Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Little Piece of My Mind

I asked a "what if" question this morning when I was having a conversation with God.  I said, "What if all Christians started walking in their full identity in Christ and actually looked for their calling and did whatever that looked like on a daily basis?"  It was a question that I actually asked out of frustration.

WARNING:  What you are about to read is something that I am passionate about, so bear with me for a few sentences...  I am tired of seeing Christians who know who they are in Christ (which most Christians would say they do) but act like they don't.  I mean, really, if God is a King, which He is (1 Timothy 6:15) and we are His sons and daughters, which we are (2 Corinthians 6:18) then that makes us princesses and princes.  Royalty.  That is just ONE of sooooooo many things that we are in Christ. 

So, going back to my question, like I said I was talking to God and I wasn't necessarily asking Him for the answer as much as I was just thinking what it would be like.  Then I felt a small yet powerful thought cross my mind.  It was this: it starts with YOU.  And just like that I had a wave of conviction come over me.  I know that if I want people to change, that I also need to be willing to change.  I know that judging others is not my place (although I often seem to fall into the sin of thinking that it is).  I know these things, but knowing something in your head and putting them into practice are two totally different things. 

Now I am faced with this knowledge moving from my head to my heart and with that comes a word called RESPONSIBILITY.  I have the knowledge and now I am responsible to do something with it.  I have thought to myself throughout the day, "Why did I even ask that question?". I have also thought to myself, "Okay, what is this going to look like in a practical way in my life?", and "What lies have I been believing about who I am in Christ?".

I share all this with you not to make you think any differently about me and my walk with the Lord, but instead in hopes that you might look at your own life and ask yourself some of the same questions I have been chewing on throughout the day.  It is not easy to stop believing a lie, especially if you have believed it for a long period of time, but it is worth it.  If you don't know who you are in Christ, then I challenge you to find out.  There are so many places you can look, but my favorite is the good old B-I-B-L-E.  It never lets me down.  So there you have it, something to think about.  I pray that as you think about it that God will reveal to you things that you need to clean out and other things that you can cling to.  And I promise, it is worth it!

1 comment:

  1. I like it! I just read Days 10 - 15 in reverse order, because I've been absent from blog world for a little while. So excited to see you -- and looking forward to having you home! Love the shoe story :)
