Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No internet... no bueno...

Well I am sorry it has taken so long for me to post but we have been at the base about a week now and without internet the whole time. They are hoping to have it up and running tomorrow but then again that is what they said yesterday and the day before...

So I am writing from an internet cafe and cannot post pictures, unfortunately. Tomorrow we are going on a retreat and we will be back Friday or Saturday and HOPEFULLY there will be internet by then.

Everything here has been awesome so far. I love the people and the culture and the city we live in. We are actually really close- about a 10 min walk- away from various shopping centers and malls, which is nice. The thing that has shocked me the most so far was that they have a Taco Bell here!!! Yes, its true. I do not really understand it either, but it is here. I will post proof soon!

The school is off to a great start. There are 10 of us in all- 3 people from the USA including me, 2 Germans, 1 Canadian, 1 Mexican, and 2 Guatemalans. It is an awesome mix of cutlures and personalities and I cannot wait to get to know them better.

Well, for now thats all I am going to have time to share. I hope to have more time to post pictures and share more stories soon! I miss everyone so much and can feel your prayers. Thank you so much!!!


  1. Good to hear from you, Suz! Sounds like everything is going great. Miss you! You are in my prayers.

  2. You are in Guatemala!!!!!!! I am so excited to hear all about what you are going to experience and learn while you are there. I love you girl and miss you so much.

  3. oops, I posted on the wrong post! See, I am lost without you here!!! My first post went on your plane ticket post. LOVE YOU!!!
