Friday, November 12, 2010

Baby Time!

Gladis, my 15 year old friend who was pregnant, just had her baby! Her beautiful little girl was born at the end of October and has the cutest, most petite little face. Here is a bit of the story...

On Thursday, about 3 weeks ago, we decided that we would take Gladis to go shopping for some baby clothes at a wonderful second hand store we have here called Mega Paca. I was happy to be able to bless her with not only new clothes for the baby, but a few good after pregnancy clothes and even a few pairs of shoes, all for under $70. It was a great day, where I got to talk to Gladis a little bit more and most importantly for our relationship, I got to build trust. After shopping we invited her and her little sister to come to the base for lunch. We ate some lunch and hung out a little bit more and then we took the girls home. Here are a few pictures I took that day...
I look like a giant next to her even though she is around 8 months pregnant!

side view of the baby belly

So Friday, the next day, we got a phone call and were told that Gladis had given birth!!! We were all very excited for her and after we found out both mama and baby were healthy we were even more excited. We waited about a week to go visit. We couldn't wait to see the precious little girl, but Gladis didn't want us to take too many pictures, so I just snapped a few.
Gladis told us that she went into labor late Thursday night and gave birth at home with a midwife around 3 am Friday morning. What a champ!!! She seems to be very happy, even though she never really shows much emotion. She also seems to be a good mom and to have good family support, which is all a blessing. Here are some things that we still need to be praying for:

-A name for the baby. Gladis has not chosen a name yet so we have been trying to help her. I told her that Susan is a beautiful name, but I don't think she is buying it.

-Inner healing for Gladis. She has been through so much at such a young age, but she is making progress. Please keep praying for God to work in her life.

-A bed for Gladis and the baby

Thanks to everyone who reads these posts and prays along with me. I appreciate all of you and your encouragements!

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