So, here is an update about last week and there are just a few amazing things that happened here, but seriously, God is moving!!!
Wednesday we broke up into groups to pray for different people who felt like they needed prayer. One of our leaders was having pain in his shoulders and as soon as he mentioned it I felt so strongly that I should be the one to pray for him. So we all prayed and then everyone just started talking. I had been complaining all morning that I had this burning in my right arm and I didn't know why. It wasn't like painful, it just felt like it was on fire. So then I got an idea and asked Efra, the leader who I prayed for, what was specifically hurting him. He said his shoulders were so I asked him if I could just touch him with the arm that had been burning. So I put my hand on his shoulder and suddenly I felt the heat leaving. He said that he felt the heat in his shoulders, in fact he said that my hand was so warm. I touched the other shoulder and he said he felt the same thing, heat, coming from my arm. After I finished my arm was cool again and he said it felt like there was icy hot on his shoulders... AMAZING!!!
One more story from the week... Friday we did what Ken called a treasure hunt. We each prayed for specific things, like color of clothes, names, locations etc of people. We wrote them down on a piece of paper individually and then got into a group of 5 people. My group headed out in search of our "treasure". One of the things that stood out so firmly to me when I was praying was gold jewelry so as we were walking we saw a sign of gold jewelry. That was not exactly what I was thinking, but it was definitely huge in front of my face. Then someone else in our group got power lines and the picture of the jewelry was right under the power lines. Someone else in our group got a black dog and there was a black dog in the house right next to the other two things. Someone else in our group got the color fuchsia and there was a plant with fuchsia flowers right next to the house with the dog. Someone else got a person with an orange shirt and blue pants and right by all these other things there was a man talking on the phone and guess what he was wearing... yes, an orange shirt and blue pants. So we were thinking this was a HOT SPOT and we were right. A few of the guys in our group went up to the guy to ask him how he was and if there was anything they could pray for. He said he was separated from his wife and that he really wanted his family to be back together again. It was so cool to feel like we were exactly where God wanted us doing exactly what He wanted!!! We had a few more encounters on our treasure hunt and they all turned out really amazing. ahhh, I love the way that God is moving!!!
Please pray for me for this week. I know this sounds like a silly prayer request, but I keep getting bitten by bugs here and they are not your average mosquito... they leave scars and itch for like 2 weeks. I have like 5 bites on each leg and today I got one on my face right under my right eye... BOO... also if you could pray for health. I am feeling a sore throat coming on, so I have been stalking up on my vitamin C hoping that I can prevent it. Also please keep praying for our school in general, that we would stay unified and that we would see things with our supernatural eyes instead of our earthly eyes.
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