Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Every Tuesday and Thursday we have base intercession here. I did not really know what intercession was before I got here so let me just explain a little bit about it in case you are in the same boat I was…

Intercession is basically standing in the gap for someone or something and praying for them. We always start and end our times of intercession here on the base with worship and then we spend some time asking God what is on His heart. He always shows us, in one way or another, because He desires so badly to have that kind of relationship with us- a relationship where He can share what He sees and feels with us. So when we feel like we know what it is God wants us to pray for we begin to do just that- we pray. We have had some amazing times of intercession and God has shown us to pray for this base, the drought in this country, our outreach and various other things.

This past Thursday God showed some of our school leaders that He wanted us to go pray over the soccer park we have right next door to the base. This park was filthy. It had glass and trash all over and the grass was thigh high. Not only was it dirty physically but it was spiritually dirty as well. Most of the weekends you can find at least one group of youth at the park smoking marijuana and there empty alcohol bottles all over. So it is no wonder God wanted us to pray there. So we all walked over and began to worship. I started feeling like God wanted me to pray for unity for our group because I felt like the message He was giving me was that if we didn’t have unity we couldn’t do anything outside of the base. So after I prayed for unity I prayed that the spiritual strongholds of the park would be broken and that the physical mess would be cleaned up. After a time of prayer our group gathered together to talk about what God had spoken to each one of us. There were a few people that felt they were being asked to pray for unity as well. Others felt the need to pray for God to use us to help overcome the spiritual strongholds that were in place at the park. One girl even saw a vision of the walls of the park being pushed down and the love of God flowing in. So we finished our time at the park with a worship march around the walls and left for class.

The next day we were up in our classroom on the second floor of the house and someone said, “Look everyone!!!” We all ran over to the windows where they were and looked over at the park. There were a group of city workers with an edger, a lawn mower, and trash bags. They were cleaning up the park the day after we had prayed there!!! It was so amazing for us to see God’s faithfulness to our obedience.

I wish I would have taken some pictures of the “before” so that you could see the dramatic change from the “before” to the “after”, but here is a picture of what the park looks like now.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Update of the Week...

So, here is an update about last week and there are just a few amazing things that happened here, but seriously, God is moving!!!

Wednesday we broke up into groups to pray for different people who felt like they needed prayer. One of our leaders was having pain in his shoulders and as soon as he mentioned it I felt so strongly that I should be the one to pray for him. So we all prayed and then everyone just started talking. I had been complaining all morning that I had this burning in my right arm and I didn't know why. It wasn't like painful, it just felt like it was on fire. So then I got an idea and asked Efra, the leader who I prayed for, what was specifically hurting him. He said his shoulders were so I asked him if I could just touch him with the arm that had been burning. So I put my hand on his shoulder and suddenly I felt the heat leaving. He said that he felt the heat in his shoulders, in fact he said that my hand was so warm. I touched the other shoulder and he said he felt the same thing, heat, coming from my arm. After I finished my arm was cool again and he said it felt like there was icy hot on his shoulders... AMAZING!!!

One more story from the week... Friday we did what Ken called a treasure hunt. We each prayed for specific things, like color of clothes, names, locations etc of people. We wrote them down on a piece of paper individually and then got into a group of 5 people. My group headed out in search of our "treasure". One of the things that stood out so firmly to me when I was praying was gold jewelry so as we were walking we saw a sign of gold jewelry. That was not exactly what I was thinking, but it was definitely huge in front of my face. Then someone else in our group got power lines and the picture of the jewelry was right under the power lines. Someone else in our group got a black dog and there was a black dog in the house right next to the other two things. Someone else in our group got the color fuchsia and there was a plant with fuchsia flowers right next to the house with the dog. Someone else got a person with an orange shirt and blue pants and right by all these other things there was a man talking on the phone and guess what he was wearing... yes, an orange shirt and blue pants. So we were thinking this was a HOT SPOT and we were right. A few of the guys in our group went up to the guy to ask him how he was and if there was anything they could pray for. He said he was separated from his wife and that he really wanted his family to be back together again. It was so cool to feel like we were exactly where God wanted us doing exactly what He wanted!!! We had a few more encounters on our treasure hunt and they all turned out really amazing. ahhh, I love the way that God is moving!!!

Please pray for me for this week. I know this sounds like a silly prayer request, but I keep getting bitten by bugs here and they are not your average mosquito... they leave scars and itch for like 2 weeks. I have like 5 bites on each leg and today I got one on my face right under my right eye... BOO... also if you could pray for health. I am feeling a sore throat coming on, so I have been stalking up on my vitamin C hoping that I can prevent it. Also please keep praying for our school in general, that we would stay unified and that we would see things with our supernatural eyes instead of our earthly eyes.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Zona 3

Today we had our second week of going to do our local ministry. I am part of the children's ministry that goes to a community outside of the dump. It is amazing to see the change of scenery just a few minutes away from our base. Last week when we went I immediately fell in love with a few of the kids. I was glad to see them back this week. I was up to tell the story so I told them about the Good Samaritan and then we had some songs and since it is Children's Day here in Guatemala (kind of like Mother's Day or Father's Day for kids) we had one of the YWAMers dress up as a clown and pass out candy. It was cool to go back and see some of the same kids two weeks in a row and I especially connected with this precious little girl named Abby. We were just hanging out today and all of a sudden she pulled a pair of blue sparkle star earrings and said "here, these are for you". Obviously I put them on right away and took a picture...

I love the way that this culture shows God's giving spirit!!!