Last weekend we went to visit Puerto San Jose. We woke up Saturday and I asked Mario what he wanted to do that day and out of the blue he said, "I want to go visit my church in Puerto." That was that and off we went! I am ALWAYS ready for a trip to Puerto. Besides being the special place where we got married, there are many reasons I love Puerto. We got there and the first thing I did was get my hair cut from my friend who did my hair for the wedding. I don't have before and after pictures, but I am pretty sure that my hair was its longest ever before I cut it. I love it now, though, and you can't beat a great haircut for a little over $3.
After that we went to watch the sunset at the beach- something I love to do!!! This sunset did not disappoint, either. Here are some pictures of the beautiful art God put in the sky that day.
Then we went to Mario's church that evening. It was great for him to be back "home" and they even gave us a public welcome from the stage. We had a good time worshiping with them. On Sunday morning we got up and got ready to head back to the city but not without stopping off at Mario's sisters house first.
Mario's nephew, Yandel, pretty much thinks Mario is the best thing since sliced bread. Any time we go visit he is always showing Mario his tricks and toys and when it is time for us to leave he begs to be able to come home with us. Our visit this time was the same as many as Mario and Yandel had a blast playing together.
While they played, I talked to Mario's sister and hung out with this beautiful little thing (AKA Mario's niece Rachel)
We had a great time in Puerto San Jose and can't wait until next time we get to visit!!!