Thursday, August 11, 2011

God's Faithfulness

The past few days I have been able to see God's faithfulness is such real ways.  First, we went to try a new church on Sunday.  We actually know many of the people that go there and lots of them helped us out with our wedding process here in Guatemala so we figured we would try it out.  We were pretty much out of food and low on funds that day as well so as we were in church, my mind went to lunch.  I began to think about what I could invent that would be enough for Mario since lunch is the biggest meal of the day here.  I couldn't come up with anything so I began to pray that God would provide.  A silly little thing to be praying about, I know, but God loves to show His faithfulness through silly little things.  At the end of the service they announced that they would be having a lunch after church and that tickets could be purchased.  We checked the price of the lunches and didn't have enough cash, so we decided we would just go home and see what we could find.  Just then some of our friends from the church came up to us and handed us tickets to the meal.  It was such a blessing for me that I wanted to cry right then and there, but instead we took the tickets and I thanked God for caring even about the little things.  That Sunday not only did we have food provided for us, but it was a delicious plate of lasagna- Mario's favorite food! 

It is also rainy season here in Guatemala which means that pretty much everyday around 2 it rains.  Two days ago it rained so hard that it hailed and flooded many streets with white balls of ice.  Yesterday we decided to take our lunch time to go look at a few potential apartments.  It is very hard to look at places in the rain, so as we left I prayed that God would hold off the rain.  There were black clouds all around, but while we were out it never rained!  We stopped around 3:30 and got something to eat and as soon as we walked into the building to eat, it started to rain.  How faithful is God?!?! 

I know that His faithfulness is evident in so many situations, but sometimes I am too busy to realize how often His faithfulness is at work in my life.  My prayer is that my eyes will keep being opened to see the moments of His faithfulness because it really does strengthen my relationship with Him. 

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